Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Monique had all her pre-op appointments on Monday. Her surgeon has decided that he will replace her conduit with a larger one while he is putting in her new Aortic valve. YAY! one operation instead of two.
Her valve will be a carbon valve. We will hear her heart (valve) tick as it opens and closes. The blood thinners she will need to be on will not permit her to bear children but there are advances every day and I will stay hopefull for the future. The important thing right now is to keep her alive and as well as we can.


Jonny said...

You will be in my thoughts on Tuesday & know everything will go just fine :) Have faith in god and keep your chin up. Your little angel is a strong girl and she will walk out of all this with a smile on her little courageous face.


Nicole said...

She's in our thoughts and Prayers!

Nicole & Emalie (2 yr old with truncus)
Carepages: EmalieQuinn

The Diva said...

We will be thinking of you tomorrow... Please update, if you are able.

Lorri said...

I will keep you, Monique, and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers!

Let me know when you are up for a visit, even if it's just for a quick coffee!
