Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Much cuddles

Monique is still doing amazing! Her incision is healing well and will be only a scar soon. A reminder of another milestone... and another little miracle.

For right now... I am soaking up the cuddles. Monique wants to cuddle all day long and must be entertained. She has changed a little bit.. I wonder how much she will change back. She randomly tells me now that she loves me which I adore. I don't know how long the cuddles will ast so I am soaking them all in... I will never refuse cuddles! (Ok... some housework has te be done!)

I figure I will bring her into school for half a day next friday and she will start half days for a few days starting Feb. 15th.. the day after Valentine's day. I showed her the day she will be going back to school the day after where the heart is on the calendar. She is excited. I am petrified!!

Now, I have to tell myself she will be ok. She will not have a big bump that will shatter her new forming sternum. Life cannot stop.

I have to go back to work ... I am thouroughly enjoying being a mom and I have very much enjoyed being nothing but a mom... I have never been that. I have always either been in school or worked along with being a mom. Even when Monique was an infant, when others have maternity leave, I was in University. I have learned so much about myself and about Monique these past few weeks.

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