Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I have never seen such excitement for snow. Monique announced that Santa was coming now that there was snow... ha ha ha. When I showed her how many more days before he came it was too funny. She asked why it was snowing then. I replied that the ground had to get ready for Santa too! It was decorating itself like we decorate inside.

Monique was exausted when she got home from school today. She cuddled up on the couch and was falling alseep. She said she was going to have a nap. I told her she should go in her bed. She agreed and went, got snuggled in all by herself and slept for about 45 minutes. Now, for those of you who know Monique, that is completely not in her "normal" behaviour. Poor babe. I think it is time to start picking her up early from school if she is this tired when she gets home. No need to tire her out more then needed.

Please keep praying that her condition does not worsten before her surgery. ox

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