Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Tonight I am feeling better. Yes, ok... I arrived home after work in tears but Jon let me cry it out on his shoulder. God love him! I have decided to try at all times to look at the positive side of things and not to worry until I have to. Right now Monique is still alright and I cannot enjoy her to the fullest if I am down.

We had God and his angels looking over us, protecting us and guiding doctors the first time we needed help. The second time, we have connections. We have two very special angels looking out for us. Grand-mere and Papa will forver be watching over us. They thought Monique was such a special child. Grand-mere knew it right from day 1. They always had a special place in their hearts for her. I truly believe they will take care of all of us. They will give us strength and guide all who need to be guided. That is what I believe.

It will not always be easy and I connot promise not to have anymore spontaneous crying fits but I will try. I will stay strong for Monique. I will stay strong for my family.


bridget98 said...

Nora told me about Monique..
we r reading ur blogs & r praying 4 her down here in Ohio
God Bless
Jeff & Brenda Anderson

HeartMom said...

thank you